Will I be penalized for not having health insurance in 2019?

If you do not have coverage during 2019, you do not have to pay a tax penalty when you file your taxes in 2020. You do not need an exemption in order to avoid the penalty.

Is it true that The Affordable Care Act/Obamacare is no longer implemented?

False. Coverage remains available through the health insurance exchange established under The Affordable Care Act. The Affordable Care Act has not been repealed. The Affordable Care Act is still in implementation for 2019. The only change is individuals without health insurance will no longer pay a penalty when filing their taxes in 2020.

Visit HealthCare.gov for comprehensive information.

What if I did not sign up for health insurance for 2019?

If you did not sign up for health insurance by the December 15 deadline, take a look at AHN’s health programs. Our Medical Program is NOT health insurance. However, our Medical Program provides access to medical treatment at greatly reduced prices.