Meet Our Cancer Care Coordinator – Kiara Velazquez


Our Access Medical – Cancer program navigates members and their families or caregivers through the health care system to overcome barriers and facilitate timely access to quality, affordable medical and psychosocial care from diagnosis through all phases of their cancer treatment up to remission. Some of the barriers members may encounter include but are not limited to, finances, communication, health education, food, transportation, child care, rent and utility assistance, and emotional support during patient treatment.

What made you join the Cancer Care Program?

I chose to join the cancer program because I saw it as an ongoing opportunity to help the community members who receive a devastating diagnosis of cancer and feel like they have no support or won’t receive the same level of care due to their background or status.

How long have you been with the program?

I have been with the program since March 2024.

What is your favorite part of your position?

One of the most rewarding aspects of the program is the feeling of satisfaction I experience when a member finishes their treatment and expresses gratitude for our program’s support. It’s also rewarding to know that I can alleviate a member’s concerns by explaining the upcoming steps in their treatment, particularly when the member does not speak English or is unfamiliar with the healthcare system.

What is your and the cancer program’s goal for every patient?

My goal is to provide members with the resources they need and to give them hope by ensuring they receive the same level of care as anyone else. We also aim to collaborate with our community’s providers to ensure our members receive the necessary care.

What are your hobbies, and how do you spend your free time?

In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my family, whether at home or outdoors; I also enjoy reading and shopping!

To learn more about our Cancer program, call 1.877.385.2345.