Bed Bug Remediation

We are excited to announce a new service, in partnership with the Nevada Aging and Disability Services Division, to provide bed bug remediation services to low-income seniors and disabled individuals in our communities.

Did you know that 1 in 5 people in the US report having an issue with bed bugs or knowing someone who did? Did you know the average cost of treating bed bugs can range anywhere from $300 to $5,000?

For some people, bed bugs can simply be a nuisance. A critter that professional pest control companies can quickly treat. But what if you can’t afford the treatment? What then? This is the situation faced by too many seniors in our community. Thanks to the Nevada Aging and Disability Services Division, we can help. Our team of community health workers can coordinate bed remediation services for the most vulnerable seniors in our community, including financial assistance for those who cannot afford the cost.

At AHN, we believe in the power and dignity of people. We are a positive force for change and empower the health of our communities, one person, one family, and one partnership at a time. Since 2013, AHN has provided comprehensive services to over 28,000 seniors within our community to ensure they have access to the basic services and support systems they need to age with health and dignity. To learn more about our services for seniors and the disabled, click here.