Welcome to Access Medical! We are so happy you are allowing us to help you with your health care needs. We believe everyone has a right to receive the best medical care available, which is why this program was created. Our providers and our staff look forward to making sure your health care needs are met in the most positive way possible.

Helpful Links

Care Coordination

Care Coordinators are AHN staff members who are here to help you with every aspect of your care.  They can also help provide guidance with non-health-related resources.  Your care coordinator will help educate you on medical office protocol.  They will help you find out how much your payment will be for any given appointment.  They can give you a better understanding of the health care system by walking you through the referral process.  Your care coordinator can also answer your questions about other healthcare resources available to you as a member of AHN.  They will be your guide, your resource, and someone you can count on. 

  • You don’t know how much to pay for a service
  • You have been referred to a specialist
  • You go to the Emergency Room or are admitted to the hospital
  • You are referred to get a hospital-based procedure done
  • You have been referred to get a radiology test done
  • Make an appointment with your primary care physician
  • Make an appointment with your assigned dental provider
  • Go and see an optometrist
  • Get lab work done
  • Fill a prescription
  • Go to an urgent care
  • Urgent messages will be returned as soon as possible
  • All other messages will be returned within 24-48 hours
  • If you would like to meet with your Care Coordinator in person please call first to schedule an appointment

Access Medical Policies

Below you will find important information on how to use your Access Medical membership. It is very important you understand this information to ensure you are able to gain access to the care you need when you need it and to not jeopardize your Access Medical membership. Contact your care coordinator to request a copy of our member manual that contains detailed information about how Access Medical works. If you have questions about any of the following information please feel free to call our care coordination department at 877-385-2345.

  • You must pay all charges at the time of service. Failure to do so will jeopardize your membership with AHN.
  • You are not allowed to set up payment plans even if the providers’ office says you can. Doing so will jeopardize your membership.
  • You cannot ask to be billed for services. All charges must be paid for at the time of service.
  • The Medical Discount Program is not health insurance and will not pay for any of your healthcare services.

In order to see a specialist (heart doctor, lung doctor, bone doctor, etc.), get any diagnostic testing (radiology, EKG, etc.) excluding lab, or have a hospital-based procedure, a referral for these services will need to be faxed to your care coordinator by the referring provider.  It is your responsibility to remind your provider that the referral needs to be sent to AHN before services can be accessed.

  • You DO NOT need a referral for Lab Work, General Dentistry, Optometry, Chiropractic, Massage, Acupuncture, Audiology, etc.
  • You MUST HAVE a referral for Specialty Care (Gynecologist, Orthopedist, Cardiologist, Etc.), Radiology, Physical Therapy, Nutritionist/Dietician, Hospital Services, Surgeries
  • If you access services without the referral first being sent to your Care Coordinator you may jeopardize your membership in AHN and be responsible for full billed charges.
  • If you need to cancel an appointment, it is important to give as much notice as possible. Most health care providers require 24-48 hours-notice for cancellations.  AHN providers can charge you a $25 cancellation fee if you do not give them at least 24 hours notice to cancel an appointment.
  • To keep your membership in good standing you must pay the $25 late cancellation fee within two business days of the missed appointment.
  • If you do not call to cancel your appointment and do not show up to your appointment you will be charged a $25 no show fee
  • To keep your membership in good standing you must pay the $25 no show fee within two business days of the missed appointment
  • If you do not show up to two of your appointments with any provider your membership in the Medical Discount Program will be closed

Access Medical Provider Fees

Below you will find the fees for some of the most common services you will need as a member of Access Medical. Please remember that you must pay for all of your care at the time of service. To obtain more information about the cost of needed services please feel free to call our care coordination department at 1-877-385-2345.

Primary Care Services

Service Description Member Fee Tier 1 Member Fee Tier 2
New Patient Visit $70 $80
Established Patient Visit $50 $55
Annual Exam (Pap Smear) $75 $80
In-Office Procedures 50% of Medicare 60% of Medicare

* Office visit fees due not include the price for any services/procedures performed during the course of the visit. Please contact your care coordinator for more information.

Specialty Care Services

Service Description Member Fee Tier 1 Member Fee Tier
New Patient Visit $150 $160
Established Patient Visit $75 $80
In-Office Procedures 50% of Medicare 60% of Medicare
Surgical Services Contact your care coordinator

* Office visit fees due not include the price for any services/procedures performed during the course of the visit. To access specialty care services you must obtain a referral from your care coordinator. Please contact your care coordinator for more information.

Urgent Care Services

Service Description Member Fee Tier 1 & 2
Urgent Care Visit $85

* The urgent care fee will not pay for services not provided by the urgent care themselves. This could include services such as: radiology reading services, high cost pharmaceuticals, durable medical equipment, etc. Please contact your care coordinator for more information.

Hospital Services

Service Description Member Fee
In-Patient Stay $500 per diem, $5,000 max per admission
Emergency Room Visit $400 if the following criteria are met:

All urgent cares are closed

Referred by a physician

Placed into observation or in-patient

Out-Patient Surgeries Contact your care coordinator
Out-Patient Procedures Contact your care coordinator

* The in-patient and emergency room fee will not pay for services not provided by the hospital themselves. This could include services such as: radiology reading services, emergency physician services, hospitalist services, high cost pharmaceuticals, surgical hardware, durable medical equipment, etc. Please contact your care coordinator for more information.

Access Medical Care Coordinators

Care coordinators are available for every MDP member. They offer specialized one-to-one care and can answer any question you many have regarding the MDP. 

Alejandra Corona
Alejandra CoronaCare Coordinator
775-284-8989 X 541

Mayra Gomez
Mayra GomezCare Coordinator
775-284-8989 ext. 235
Yazmin Guzman
Yazmin GuzmanCare Coordinator
775-284-8989 X 272
Maritza Lopez
Maritza LopezCare Coordinator
775-284-8989 ext. 241
Nancy Martinez
Nancy MartinezCare Coordinator
775-284-8989 X 395
Brenda Santiago-Orozco
Brenda Santiago-OrozcoCare Coordinator
775-284-8989 ext. 208
Kiara Velazquez
Kiara VelazquezCare Coordinator
775-284-8989 ext. 277
Samantha Velazquez
Samantha VelazquezCardiovascular Care Coordinator
775-284-8989 ext. 354